Transportation SPLOST
What is a Transportation SPLOST?
A 1¢ Sales Tax is for Transportation purposes only. Projects include road paving/resurfacing, gravel, signage, striping, right of way acquisition/clearing, heavy equipment purchase/lease, bridges, public transportation, bike paths and other transportation related projects. One hundred percent of the funds that are collected by this initiative will be spent on transportation projects in this community.
Recent successes include:
- Resurfacing:
- Browns Bridge Rd
- Lord Rd
- Brewer Rd
- Chambers Rd
- Berlin Rd
- Caudell Rd
- Hudson River Dr
- Mountain Creek Dr
- Gravel:
- Various graveled roads throughout the entire county.
The proceeds from this 5-year Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax is projected to collect approximately $15 million. Banks County and the Cities within Banks County have agreed to share the funds with a 75/25 split and selected projects that are important to each jurisdiction. Look for the sign pictured above on roads where the Road & Bridge SPLOST has been used to pay for the improvements.