
Changes of Business Status:

When operating a business in Banks County, there are three departments that require completion of various forms in a timely manner:  the Department of Planning and Development, the Tax Assessors' Office and the Tax Commissioner's Office.   To help us to better serve you, the following is a brief checklist of what to expect from each department and what will be required from you:

  • An Occupational Tax Application form (commonly referred to as a business license)  is required annually for businesses based in Banks County.
  • Each year in January, you will receive a Personal Property Return form from the Tax Assessor's Office.   For help in completing the form and deadline constraints contact the Tax Assessor's Office.
  • An assessment notice will be mailed to you in May from the Tax Assessor's Office.  If you desire to appeal this value, you have 45 days to do so in writing.
  • If applicable, the Banks County Tax Commissioner's Office will mail you a Personal Property Tax bill in August for payment due by November 15th.