Parks & Recreation Advisory Board

The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board shall study and review the existing operations and programs of the county parks and recreation department and make recommendations to the commissioners on needed changes to the existing operations and programs, if any. After review and study the advisory board shall make recommendations on new programs for the county parks and recreation department and the need for additional equipment or for the replacement of existing equipment being used in the recreation program.

In addition, the advisory board shall study and make recommendations to the commissioners on any question referred to them by the commissioners concerning the parks and recreation program in the county. Each recommendation shall have been voted on by the advisory board and the numerical vote of the advisory board on the recommendation shall be included in the report to the commissioners. The advisory board does not have the power or authority to enter into contracts or other agreements or to bind or obligate the county. The sole purpose of the advisory board is to study and make recommendations to the commissioners concerning the parks and recreation program in the county.

Parks & recreation advisory board members

Adam Watson

Vanessa Terrell

Will Gordon 

Otis Rylee

Matthew Poole

Christopher Baker

Austin Hensley


The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 1, 2025 at 5pm